Further information
What else is the Sounder Sleep System® useful for?
The Sounder Sleep System® is also very helpful in stress management, reducing blood pressure and coping with stage fright and a fear of flying. It can also help with other stress-related conditions such as burn-out, headaches, eating disorders or a dry mouth.
The Sounder Sleep System® can become your source of balance, well-being and calmness in life!
How was the Sounder Sleep System® developed?
The Sounder Sleep System® was developed by the American Feldenkrais teacher Michael Krugman. Michael Krugman focussed his work on traditional and modern self-healing methods over a long period. He integrated his knowledge of medicine, science, the Feldenkrais method, yoga, Qigong and meditation into his sleep system.
Where else is the Sounder Sleep System® taught?
The Sounder Sleep System® is well known and taught in seminars throughout the world. I can recommend colleagues in Berlin, Munich, Tübingen, Hamburg and Lübeck.